Learning Mural.co
Date : October 9, 2020

I’m diving into using mural.co for remote teaching and facilitation. So far it’s pretty useful, the more I use it.. the more I like it. The board above was created to help map out 4 weeks of student presentations on professional pathways in my Professional Practice course. I set up the canvas and invited students to place themselves in one of the four ‘buckets’ of what we see as the main routes forward after graduation – work for a studio / agency; work for a larger company/corporation, work in the public sector / academia; start your own thing. In reality, students will probably do many of these things throughout their career. The goal of this assignment is to build up a larger / collective understanding of the possibilities and how to prepare for those.

The next step is to research and present ‘portraits’ of ourselves and three additional designers/studios/orgs who are doing extraordinary work that aligns with some aspects of our practices, of which we aspire to. I am using mural again to sketch out wireframes and initial layout of my findings and synthesis. Since I haven’t taught this course before, I thought I would also complete the assignment to share my process with students.
To be continued, maybe. It’s reading week for now!